With Taskable, we are not only trying to bring all your tasks together with the integrations, but we also want to help you plan and prioritize your day so you are always working on the most important things you can.
Our All Tasks board view is where you do the bulk of your planning. Here's how we suggest you should use the columns to get the most out of your days.
Inbox (for integration users only)
Once you set up your first integration or start using the Chrome extension, you'll see a new column in Taskable called Inbox. This is where tasks created in any of the integrations, or via the extension, first land.
We suggest triaging through this column first, and adding due date, priority, labels and spaces to each task. Once you've organized it, if you plan to work on it today, add it to the Doing column. If you'll get to it another day, drop it in the To Do column.
To Do
Think of your To Do column as your backlog of everything you need to get done, but isn't a priority for today. Every task you create in Taskable starts in the To Do column.
This column is where you will do the bulk of your daily or weekly planning. Drag items from To Do into the day in the Scheduled column you aim to get it done.
Pro tip: Use the Priority sort at the top of the To Do column to put all your high priority tasks at the top of the list to make planning quicker and easier.
The Scheduled column lets you plan your day, and multiple days into the future, so you can make a plan for everything in your backlog.
Drag items from To Do into the day in Scheduled that you aim to complete it. Anything you don't get done that day carries over to the next.
These are all the items you've completed. Nice work! They are grouped by day completed.