Note: Your Pro subscription comes with a 30-day free trial prior to being charged. If you are not satisfied with the service during the free trial period, you can always cancel your subscription by doing the following steps:
Go to the Manage Subscription page.
Click on the Cancel Pro Plan link.
Confirm intent to cancel through the pop-up that comes up.
You will be directed to the Subscription Cancellation page provided by our payments processor.
Finally, hit the Cancel Plan button and confirm.
A few items to keep in mind:
If you canceled within the first 30 days, your account will have access to the Pro features until the end of the 30-day free trial.
If you cancel your Pro monthly or annual subscriber, your account will have access to the Pro features until the date your account would have been renewed.
While in the canceled status, you can renew your plan at any time to resume your subscription by going to the Manage Subscription page.